Wir bedanken uns für die gute Zusammenarbeit 2024 und wünschen allen ein glückliches neues Jahr 2025.

LBGO wünscht allen ein Frohes Fest und ein glückliches neues Jahr!

German Design Award für KITA Senden
Wir freuen uns über der German Design Award für die Kita Senden!
Unter dem Titel “Blick über den Tellerrand” hat Andreas auf dem 2. Bodenforum Inn-Salzach im Stadtsaal von Neuötting einen Einblick in die Arbeiten von LBGO gegeben. Das Thema war „Zukunftsweisende Wohnbauentwicklung, Austragshaus 2.0 und Nachverdichtung – sind Tiny-Häuser eine Lösung?“ Der Tag wurde organisiert vom Regionalmanagement Inn-Salzach in Zusammenarbeit mit der CIMA Beratung + Management GmbH.

NEUE Fotos von unserem Kinderhaus Miesbach
Jonathan Sage hat tolle Fotos von unserem Kinderhaus Miesbach gemacht
Wir freuen uns über den einstimmigen Beschluss des Gemeinderats für die Weiterplanung und Fertigstellung unseres Projektes!
Hierfür nochmals unser Dank an alle Beteiligten!

Wir freuen uns sehr über den 1.Platz im VgV für die Kita in der Allmersbacherstraße in Bad Cannstatt!
Frohe Weihnachten!
LBGO sagt danke für ein ereignisreiches Jahr 2023 und freut sich auf 2024
Preview Parkdeck Prechtl, Bad FeilNBACH
Diesen Sommer haben wir ein Projekt in Bad Feilnbach umgesetzt, das trotz seiner überschaubaren Abmessungen eine große Herausforderung war. Bauherr, Gemeinde, Landratsamt, Nachbarn… Alle mussten mitspielen. Am Ende durften wir alle unsere Überzeugungen realisieren. Die bestehende Garage wurde mit einer leichten Holzkonstruktion aufgestockt, die sich wie eine große Scheune in das dörfliche Umfeld einfügt. Die nordorientierten Dachflächen haben ein Gründach erhalten. Die südorientierten Dachflächen wurden vollflächig mit Photovoltaikmodulen ausgestattet – was Sinn macht, da darunter E-Autos geladen werden. Jonathan Sage war letzte Woche vor Ort und hat erste Fotos gemacht. Weitere folgen dann im Sommer, wenn alles grün ist.
Denkmalschutzpreis 2023 des Landkreises Miesbach
Wir freuen uns sehr über den Denkmalschutzpreis 2023 des Landkreises Miesbach für die Sanierung und Umnutzung der “ehemaligen Klosterschule Miesbach” zu einem Kinderhaus. Simone Niedderer und Christian Goldbach wurde der Preis im Rahmen einer feierlichen Veranstaltung im Schloss Tegernsee von Landtagspräsidentin Ilse Aigner und dem Miesbacher Landrat Olaf von Löwis of Menar überreicht.
Great Honor: Damien Hirst in MUCA!
Am Donnerstag, 26.10.2023 wurde im MUCA Museum of Urban and Contemporary Art (MUCA), die weltweit erste Solo-Ausstellung von Damien Hirst “The Weight of Things” eröffnet. Das 2016 gegründete MUCA, wurde in einer ehemaligen Transformationshalle errichtet. Die damaligen Umbauten wurden durch das LBGO Team begleitet.
Die aktuelle Ausstellung umfasst die wichtigsten Werke von Damien Hirst, unter anderem den Diamantenschädel „For the Love of God“. Dieser wird in dem denkmalgeschützten „MUCA Bunker“ neben dem großen Haupthaus ausgestellt. Die dunkle Geschichte dieses ehemaligen Bunkers aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg bietet dafür eine dramatische Kulisse. Für die Ausstellung haben wir die relevanten Genehmigungsplanungen erstellt, vor allem für die übergroße Pegasus-Skulptur vor dem Eingangsbereich.
Installation View, Damien Hirst: The Weight of Things at the Museum of Urban and Contemporary Art (MUCA), 2023. Photographed by Prudence Cuming Associates Ltd., © Damien Hirst and Science Ltd. All rights reserved, DACS/Artimage 2023.
Wir sind mit dem gesamten Team LBGO für zwei Tage auf der schönen Fraueninsel im Chiemsee gewesen, um in gemeinsamen Workshops unser Profil als Architekturbüro zu schärfen.
Wyly Brown nominated top 10 award winners for innovative design of bamboo pavilion for Peace Park
Wyly Brown as Professor at Fox School of Design and Visual Arts of Washington University was nominated as one of the top 10 William H. Danforth St. Louis Confluence award winners for the innovative design and construction of a bamboo pavilion for Peace Park in north St Louis City – an ongoing design and construction process that brings together faculty and students from many disciplines at Wash U, and is working directly with multiple community partners to address longstanding disparities within St Louis communities. The Confluence Award nominations created a catalyst for recognizing and elevating the work of faculty leading community research.
Andreas hat mit Kerstin Kuhnekath im Heinze Podcast Architekturfunk über unsere Arbeit gesprochen und was uns dabei bewegt und begeistert. Hier zu hören
Baunetz Heinze Bau 2023
After four years, the world’s leading fair BAU 2023 took place in Munich for the first time. BauNetz and Heinze – clearly positioned directly behind the main entrance – offered the ideal setting as an exchange platform on the subject of construction and sustainability. In a series of interesting lectures, Andreas gave an insight into our work as LBGO architects.
Approval from the City Council FOR PROJECT Wittelsbacher Strasse
The Rosenheim city councillors approved the development design of our project in Wittelsbacher Strasse with a large majority. The design of the building further took shape following an intensive exchange among the City, the investors and us designers. The eleven-storey residential building offers a lively mix of a large variety of housing types: large, small, subsidised, free… The new construction complements an accumulation of 60s tower blocks that are starting to show their age while not sealing any additional area as it is built over an existing car park. The existing towers will be refurbished and equipped with balconies as well as an intelligent built-on light steel construction sporting greenery as well as shading and photovoltaic elements. All residents from the old as well as the new development meet on the fifth-floor communal roof terrace. It is a forward-thinking project for the city of Rosenheim and at the same time an attempt to create inner-city living spaces while improving the surroundings.
LBGO Wishes Everyone a Merry Christmas and a Tolerant New Year 2023!
LBGO wishes everyone a merry Christmas and a tolerant new year 2023!
Our Spinnereihof in Kolbermoor was awarded “Winner” at this year’s Iconic Award in the category of multi-purpose buildings. This prize is awarded each year by the German Design Council in Frankfurt. We and our developers Werndl & Partner are very happy about the award. The award ceremony will take place at the ExpoReal in October…
LEED Platinum for e+ in Boston
Our project E+ in Boston has been awarded by U.S. Green Building Council the highest sustainability certificate, LEED Platinum.
3rd Place School Extension Obertraubling, REGENSBURG
Our competition entry for a school extension in Obertraubling (district of Regensburg) was awarded one of two 3rd places. We proposed lengthening the existing building, thereby creating new classrooms and a cafeteria. The new gymnasium will be moved away slightly, naturally embedding itself in the hill. A spacious, protected outdoor space will be created on the upper level, serving as an extension of the play area for the pupils. The space between the two buildings will be a path elegantly uniting the school campus with the public realm. The jury commented: “…a very special space, we find. Even the sport and break time areas of the existing outdoor spaces benefit from potential views south and a direct link to the openly designed whole-day care area…”
LBGO Goes Green
Following the advice of our friends at Transsolar KlimaEngineering, we invested in greenery for the south-facing facade of our Munich office eight weeks ago. It is incredible how fast our courtyard has transformed itself into a green garden. Thanks to it, the temperature has noticeably dropped several degrees and we work in a green environment. And all this has been accomplished with very little use of technology: there are merely a few ventilators circulating air in the space. “High Comfort – Low Impact” – as we have been taught. And this is only the beginning… Photos by Jonathan Sage Architectural Photography
Opening of St. Lucia Nursery in Senden
Our project, the St. Lucia nursery in Senden, was officially opened with festive speeches and a children’s choir on a beautiful sunny day! It will provide over 170 children aged between zero and six with a feeling of security as well as endless opportunities for indoor and outdoor fun and games. A fact that makes us particularly happy: a bright and friendly meeting place and counselling centre was created in the building for the family charity Familien in Not. We are very pleased with this project and wish all the children and their carers a wonderful, carefree time at their nursery.

LBGO Comes Second at the Coppa Oliva!
After six years in the making, we got to the final of the Munich Architects’ Football Tournament at last. In the end, LBGO came second after an exciting final match of the Coppa Oliva! Congratulations to the winners Auer und Weber!
Grand Opening at Spinnereihof KOLBERMOOR
Almost one year after the residents had moved into their apartments and the employees of Techdivision had first set foot in their offices, we were finally able to celebrate the opening of the Spinnereihof in Kolbermoor. Due to the pandemic, the celebrations had been postponed several times. The wait was worth it for the fantastic festivities organised by Werndl & Partner. We used the time well too and baked a cake in the shape of the building.
LBGO Supports “Archikidz 2022”

Honourable Mention for the Competition New School Building at Neckartalschule in Heilbronn-Böckingen
We received an honourable mention for the competition regarding a new replacement building for the special needs education and counselling centre (with a focus on learning), including all spaces required for this type of school at the existing location of the school Neckartalschule.
Honourable Mention for E+ Green Building at Sustainable Design Award 2021
We received an honourable mention for our project E+ Green Building in Boston at the renowned Sustainable Design Award 2021. The Jury explains: “Solutions like E+ must become the norm, not the exception: a design which responds to its context while offering high performance in a densely populated urban area, which can easily be replicated and which stays within budget. The project manages to provide outdoor spaces for all units despite its spatial restraints. The jury was of the opinion that this housing project sets an example for future sustainable housing projects.”
Weyarn – about the Courage to Embrace Change, BR Report about Klosteranger
On Sunday, the Bavarian television station BR broadcasted a very charming feature about our Klosteranger project as part of their series “Unter unserem Himmel” (“Under our sky”). In 45 minutes, the project is discussed from all its different angles. Many of the people involved in it get a say. The programme can be watched on the BR media player.
Groundbreaking for Herdergärten Rosenheim
LBGO, our developers Werndl & Partner and Deputy Mayor Daniel Artmann broke the ground in the obligatory celebration. What a wonderful moment when visions become reality. Click here for the project page, here for the article in OVB, photos by Johannes Hoose
1st Place Youth Centre and Triple Gym Bernhausen
We were awarded 1st place for our design of the new Gotthard Mueller gym and the youth centre in Bernhausen (Filderstadt). This structure completes the educational campus of several schools and creates a new face and link to the town. Pupils and adolescents are allowed to conquer and enrich this place bit by bit! Follow this link for the project page, and click here for the article in the local newspaper. We are looking forward to taking on this task.
2nd Place at Competition Residential Building Uni Apart in Neu-Ulm
We were awarded 2nd place for the design of new residential building at a prominent location in Neu-Ulm. We took part with a courageous concept insisting on all apartments facing south which led to an extraordinary building form. We are very pleased about this success. Click here for the project page.
Completion Spinnereihof Kolbermoor

Article about Our Bundwerkstadel in AIT
Our Bundwerkstadel features in an article of the magazine AIT under the category of “Indoor/Outdoor”. We particularly like the beginning that reads: “…a golden glow enters through the bundwerk in the evening hours…”
2nd Place at Competition for Extension of Feldkirchen Primary School in Lower Bavaria
LBGO in cooperation with mahl gebhard konzepte were awarded 2nd place at the competition for the refurbishment and extension as well the expansion of the Feldkirchen primary school in Lower Bavaria. We designed a timber construction consisting of stacked cubes. The staggered shapes give the primary school pupils a sense of scale without appearing conspicuous. At the same time, the entrance layout was reconfigured. The school will now be entered from the town square opposite the church. For further information on our entry please click here.
Honourable Mention in Competition for New Town Hall in Waldkraiburg
We received an honourable mention in the competition for the new town hall in Waldkraiburg. We proposed an animated structure composed of stacked levels which assemble around a quiet courtyard. The defining feature of the exterior is a green facade. The distinctive building communicates with its environment and provides a clear spatial definition in the urban framework without creating any rear facades.
1st Place Competition Indoor Pool Leinfelden-Echterdingen
Amazing! We were chosen as the winners among our high-calibre competitors in the competition for the new indoor pool in Leinfelden-Echterdingen. We proposed a freely formed building which seamlessly merges with its strikingly heterogeneous surroundings without creating any rear facades. Click here for the project page
Start Refurbishment of Listed Building Miesbach Nursery
The refurbishment of the listed building in Miesbach is underway. The former monastery and girls’ school was founded in 1865 and will now be used as a nursery. In addition, valuable living space will be created on the top floor. What a multi-facetted and exciting task for us. Follow this link for the press article.
2nd Place in Multiple Assignment for Town Centre of Marquartstein
LBGO was awarded 2nd place in collaboration with Mahl Gebhard Konzepte in a multiple assignment. Our concept unites several parts of town that were formerly separated and creates a lively centre. A communal garden becomes an open meeting place for all residents of the town.
1st Place for Multiple Assignment in Traunstein Seiboldsdorf
Success in Andreas‘ hometown: we, in collaboration with mahl gebhard konzepte, were awarded the 1st place in the multiple assignment for the property development in Traunstein Seiboldsdorf. The objective was to create modern types of housing with a high-density design on the property. We proposed a mix of three so-called “four-sided courtyards” with additional groups of terraced houses. All buildings are placed in a way to create exciting open spaces between them with minimal development effort. We are looking forward to taking on this task.
Klosteranger in Publication of Bavarian State Ministry
The publication “Future-oriented urban planning – integrated, flexible, citizen-oriented” by the Bavarian State Ministry for Housing, Building and Transport featured a detailed description of our multigenerational house at the Klosteranger in Weyarn. The brochure can be downloaded from the page of the Ministry following this link.
Bundwerkstadel Nominated for the „ArchDaily 2021 Building of the Year Award“
The idea behind the ArchDaily Building of the Year Award is simple: the readers on the internet select the best architecture of the year in 15 categories. Click here to vote.
Honourable Mention at Competition New Town Hall Bad Feilnbach
We received an honourable mention for our design of a wooden long house construction at the realisation competition for the new town hall in Bad Feilnbach. Bad Feilnbach is a small town at the foothills of the Bavarian Alps.
Mural in MUCA is Awarded Star in Guide Michelin
We cannot believe it! The Mural was awarded a star by the Guide Michelin. The Mural is the restaurant on the ground floor of MUCA Museum of Urban and Contemporary Art in Hotterstrasse 12 in Munich. The refurbishment of this historical transformer hall was one of the first projects for our architectural practice. Sueddeutsche Zeitung says: “While the two chefs Joshua Leise und Johannes Maria Kneip are only in their mid-20s, they definitely know their fine dining cuisine – now the chefs have been awarded their first star.” Congratulations! Mural and MUCA are located right in the centre of Munich, between Marienplatz und Sendlinger Tor, directly behind Hofstatt. We cannot recommend a visit more!
Office Ski Trip 2020
It was a super-sunny day for all of LBGO’s skiers and snowboarders in Soell this year.
Award “Best Residential Buildings Germany”
Our Klosteranger Weyarn received an honourable mention at “The Best Residential Buildings 2019” awards. Organised by “Deutscher Wohnungsbau“ (German Residential Building) in cooperation with the architectural magazine Baumeister and the Munich trade fair EXPO REAL, the award is presented each year and honours realised projects which meet the ambitious challenges of our times. High-quality, high-density living spaces were created at the Klosteranger with a reduced use of area – “internal development in integrated locations”. We are very pleased with the award. A lovely coffee-table book was also released by the publishing house Callwey about all projects chosen
WINNER German Design Award 2020
We won a German Design Award 2020 in the category “Excellent Architecture” with our multigenerational houses in Weyarn. The jury wrote: “The modern residential houses with a high-quality design allow for different generations to live together and thus for a social arrangement that represents an attractive alternative to anonymous living in an urban area.”
The Team of LBGO wishes you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.
Topping Out Ceremony Living at SchlierseeRichtfest Wohnen am Schliersee
The traditional topping out ceremony for your project “Living at lake Schliersee” took place this week.
3rd Place at Polis Award
We came third at the renowned Polis Award in the category “social neighbourhood development” with our multigenerational houses. The jury under the chairmanship of the professor Reiner Nagel wrote the following: “…a quarter was created which meets all the architectural demands while also responding to all social requirements, thus adding a large value for the entire community.” We are very happy about this acknowledgement.
2018 Award for Building Culture of the Munich Metropolitan Area
The awards for the Prize for Building Culture of the Munich Metropolitan Area were presented to the winners in a festive award ceremony at the Munich House of Architecture on 21 March. The award was under the patronage of Joachim Herrmann, the State Minister for the Interior, Construction and Transport, and is organised in cooperation with the Bavarian Chamber of Architects, the State Capital of Munich, the Bavarian Association of Cities and the Bavarian Association of Municipalities as well as the Federal Foundation of Baukultur. Our project ”multigenerational houses in Weyarn” received an honourable mention.