Achim hat 30 Jahre Erfahrung als Architekt mit dem Schwerpunkt Werkplanung, Ausschreibung und Bauleitung und betreut diese Leistungsphasen innerhalb von LBGO. Seine Projekterfahrung reicht von der Planung und Ausführung großer Sportstätten und Veranstaltungshallen bis hin zu Schul- und Schwimmbadbauten. Nach zehn Jahren bei Behnisch Architekten ist Achim seit Beginn 2024 bei LBGO.


Adrian Stadler
Adrian studied architecture at KIT – Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and completed his Master of Science in 2016 with Prof. Ludwig Wappner. From 2016 to 2019 he worked at Allmann Sattler Wappner Architekten in Munich. Adrian worked at LBGO in the Munich office from 2019 to 2021 before moving to Karlsruhe, where he worked as a freelance architect on his own projects. He has been back on board at LBGO since 2023, now in Stuttgart, as project manager for kindergartens and school buildings. In addition to his work at LBGO, Adrian works as a study assistant in the Department of Building Construction at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.

Andreas Leupold
Andreas first trained as a carpenter and then studied architecture and urban planning in Trier and Delft. He graduated from the TU Delft in 2004. Andreas worked at the Dutch office DP6 architectuurstudio and from 2006 at Behnisch Architekten in Stuttgart and from 2009 in Munich. In 2014, he founded Leupold Brown Goldbach Architekten in Munich together with Christian Goldbach and Wyly Brown. The firm opened its Boston office in 2018, and then in Stuttgart in 2022. Andreas is a guest lecturer and critic at various universities and has worked as an adjudicator in competitions since 2019.

Bartosz Szczepaniak
Bartosz studied architecture at Kraków University of Technology in Poland from 2014 to 2019, graduating in 2019. The topic of his thesis in 2019 was the design of the “Olympic Training Center”. He is particularly interested in designing and planning sports buildings. During his studies, he did an Erasmus exchange at the National Technical University of Athens, Greece, and worked for a year in 2017 at Vide Architecture Studio in Krakow. Here at LBGO, Bartosz has been working as a project architect since 2020.

Braden Young
Braden attended the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, New York, from 2013 to 2018 and was awarded a Bachelor of Architecture, which is equivalent to the German “Diplom”. He majored in urban design. He completed numerous internships, for example, as a design intern with Acconci Studio (Brooklyn, New York, 2015) and FreelandBuck (Brooklyn, New York, 2015) and as an architect intern with CetraRuddy Architecture (New York City, 2016) and THEVERYMANY (Brooklyn, New York, 2017). Braden then worked as a designer at Yes Architecture in Munich from 2018 to 2020 before joining LBGO in Munich as a project architect in 2020.

Christian Goldbach
After training as a carpenter, Christian worked for a year as a craftsman in Australia. From 1998 to 2004, he studied architecture at the University of Stuttgart, which included a stint at the TU Delft. Christian worked at ars Architecture and Urban Planning from 2001 to 2004 and at Behnisch Architects in Stuttgart from 2004-2013 on projects both in Germany and the US.
In 2014, he founded LBGO Leupold Brown Goldbach Architekten in Munich together with Andreas Leupold and Wyly Brown. The firm opened its Boston office in 2018 and then in Stuttgart in 2022. He has also been working as an adjudicator since 2018.
Christian has been a guest lecturer at the University of Stuttgart from 2010 to 2012 and, since 2014, at the faculty of climate-responsive design under Prof. Thomas Auer at the Technical University of Munich. He has also been working as an adjudicator since 2018.

David Selje
David completed his bachelor’s degree at the University of Stuttgart (2010-2014) and his master’s in architecture at the Technical University of Munich TUM (2014-2017). He also spent a year on an Erasmus exchange at the University of Melbourne in Australia. After completing an internship at haascookzemmrich in Stuttgart, David worked at Allmann Sattler Wappner in Munich. He has been working with LBGO since 2018 as a project manager specializing in public buildings. In addition, David works on competitions, most recently on the Gartenhallenbad indoor swimming pool in Leinfelden-Echterdingen. In addition to his office work, David has been a research assistant at the faculty climate-responsive design chaired by Prof. Thomas Auer at the Technical University of Munich since 2017. David has been an associate in the Munich office since 2023.

Federica Rossetto
Federica completed her bachelor’s degree in architecture at Politecnico di Torino in Italy from 2013 to 2016, and then her master’s degree from 2016 to 2019, focusing on “architecture for sustainability design”. In 2018, she participated in the Erasmus program at Centro Politecnico superior de Zaragoza (Spain) and worked at Gravalosdimonte arquitectos. After graduation, she initially worked at PTFV architetti in Ivrea, Italy. She has been working as a project architect at LBGO since 2020.

Frederik Walser
Frederik grew up in Augsburg and completed his Bachelor of Arts in Architecture at Augsburg University of Applied Sciences in March 2023 with a focus on urban development and peripheral living. During his studies he worked at Schrammel Architekten Stadtplaner with a focus on competitions. Frederik has been at LBGO for an internship since October 2023 and is working on the Gartenbad in Leinfelden Echterdingen. Frederik enjoys being outdoors and has been a youth soccer coach for 10 years.

Jady Villa Nova
Jady is studying law at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich LMU and has been part of the LBGO team since 2021. Jady is responsible for team support, website management as well as general office management.

Jessica Pörsch
Jessica received her bachelor’s degree in July 2020 from the Technical University of Munich (TUM), where she is currently pursuing a master’s degree. During her undergraduate studies, she spent an academic year at the École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture et de Paysage de Bordeaux in France. In addition to her studies, Jessica has been working at LBGO since 2020, especially in competitions.

Jochen Schlosser
Jochen Schlosser studies architecture in…

Jorge Figueroa Pérez
Jorge studied architecture with a focus on art and philosophy at the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education (ITESM) in Mexico, where he received his degree in the summer of 2013. After spending a year on an Erasmus exchange at Politecnico di Milano, he interned at Behnisch Architekten in Stuttgart in 2012, where he met his future colleagues at LBGO. Jorge joined LBGO as a project architect in 2019 and is working as a BIM expert to coordinate a professional transition to a new digital workflow.

Konstantin August
Born and raised in Costa Rica and Uruguay, Konstantin studied architecture and design at the State Academy of Fine Arts in Stuttgart from 2001 to 2007 and worked at Sauerbruch Hutton in Berlin and at OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture in Rotterdam. After a stint as an architect in Costa Rica, Konstantin was project manager for several projects at Behnisch Architekten in Stuttgart from 2008 to 2021 and headed the competition department there. Since 2014 he has worked as a lecturer and guest critic at several universities. Konstantin has been managing the LBGO Stuttgart office as a partner since 2022.

Laura Creutz
Laura received her Master of Arts at the Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences in February 2022 and then worked at the architectural firm bergmeisterwolf in Brixen in South-Tirol, Italy. Laura joined LBGO Stuttgart in September 2023 and is bringing her skills to the Gotthard-Müller-Halle and the Bernhausen Youth Center.

Lieke Bonke
Lieke hat an der Saxion University of Applied Sciences in den Niederlanden studiert und dort im Jahr 2023 ihren Bachelorabschluss erhalten. Ihre Schwerpunkte während des Studiums lagen vor allem auf den Bereichen Bauingenieurwesen und Betriebswirtschaftslehre. Bereits 2019 hat Lieke ein vierjähriges Studium im Bereich Mediendesign abgeschlossen. Seit 2023 ist Lieke ein Mitglied des LBGO-Teams und bringt ihre Fähigkeiten bei verschiedensten Projekten ein.

Lucie Malaval

Luisa Dumke
Luisa graduated from high school in the design department at FOS Unterschleißheim in 2023. She did a seminar on the landscape architecture of English gardens in the 18th century. Luisa is doing a three-month preliminary internship at LBGO.

Lukas Ebert
Lukas commenced his architecture degree at the Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences in 2008 and received his bachelor’s degree in 2012. After spending time in the US in 2012, he completed a master’s degree from 2013 to 2015 at the faculty of energy efficient and sustainable planning and building chaired by Prof. Werner Lang at the Technical University of Munich, where he graduated as a Master of Science. He wrote his master’s thesis at the faculty of building technology and climate responsive design chaired by Prof. Thomas Auer in 2015. After working for Behnisch Architekten in Stuttgart and Boston, Lukas joined LBGO when the office was founded in 2014 and has worked as a project manager in the Munich and Boston offices. He has been an associate of the office since 2019 and became Partner in 2023.

Maria Verdu
Maria completed a bachelor’s degree in architecture at the Universidad de Alicante (UA) in Spain and then her master’s degree at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (ETSAM, UPM). After a stint as BIM manager with enBIM in Spain, Maria joined LBGO in 2022 and is primarily involved in the 3D design of buildings and the optimized implementation of the Revit building information modeling software tool in the projects.

Marius Holzinger
Marius studierte ab 2019 Architektur und Stadtplanung an der Universität Stuttgart und erhielt im März 2023 seinen Bachelor of Science [int+]. Seine Thesis handelte über ein Zukunftsszenario am Hamburger Hauptbahnhof. Während des Bachelor Studiums absolvierte er ein Auslandspraktikum in Boston, USA. Er wird im Herbst 2023 sein Masterstudium beginnen und unterstütz das LBGO-Team seit April 2023 in verschiedenen Projekten.

Martin Klinger
Martin grew up in Heidenheim Baden-Württemberg. After training as an architectural draftsman, he worked as a planner in a company producing modular buildings in Neresheim. From 2012 he studied architecture in Stuttgart and Tokyo. During his studies he worked for Züblin and Schlaich Bergermann Partner. After completing his master’s degree at the Academy of Fine Arts in Stuttgart, he worked at Mühleisen + Partner in Stuttgart from 2018. At the same time, he is studying in the postgraduate master’s program at the Institute for History and Theory of Architecture at ETH Zurich. Martin has been working at LBGO as an architect/project manager since November 2023. His focus is on modern housing and sustainable architecture.

Mikus Sils
Mikus first studied art and design in Farnham, England, and classical drawing and painting at the Art Academy of Latvia. He then studied architecture at the Münster School of Architecture from 2005 to 2012, receiving a bachelor’s and master’s degree in architecture respectively, with a focus on design and construction. After working in architecture firms in Mexico and Germany, Mikus joined LBGO in its founding year of 2014 and became an associate in 2019. Mikus has been a partner in the Munich office since 2023. Mikus has been the project manager in charge of landmark projects for the firm, including the multi-generational houses in Weyarn and the Spinnery courtyard in Kolbermoor.

Miriam Koenen

Nils Wolfsgruber
Nils studiert seit 2020 Architektur an der Hochschule München. Im Sommer 2022 arbeitete Nils parallel zu seinem Studium für seinen Architektur-Professor Arthur Wolfrum und absolvierte anschließend von 2022 bis 2023 ein Auslandssemester an der Zürcher Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaft ZHAW. Seit dem Frühjahr 2023 ist Nils als Werkstudent Teil des LBGO-Teams und unterstützt seine Kollegen bei zahlreichen Projekten.

Sebastián Canovas
Sebastián hat seinen Bachelor in Architektur an der TU München in 2022 abgeschlossen und absolviert dort aktuell auch sein Masterprogramm. Seine Bachelorarbeit hat er am Lehrstuhl von Herrn Professor Kéré mit dem Thema „der Entwurf einer Plastikrecyclinganlage“ in Ganvié, Benin, gemacht. Derzeit beschäftigt er sich für die nachhaltige Entwicklung von sozialen Wohnungsbauten im globalen Süden und für die Herstellung 3D-gedruckter Bauelemente. Sebastián hat bereits bei Strunz Architekten in München und bei Renzo Piano Building Workshop in Paris gearbeitet. Seit 2023 ist er bei LBGO in München tätig, wo er bei verschiedenen Projekten mitwirkt.

Silvia De Pellegrini
Silvia was born and raised in Verona, Italy and has been studying architecture at the Università IUAV di Venezia since 2021. She completed an Erasmus program at the UPV Universitat Poitècnica de València. Silvia is currently gaining professional experience and is doing a six-month internship at LBGO in Munich.

Simone Niedderer
Simone received her degree in interior architecture from Rosenheim University of Applied Sciences in 2007. After completing internships at Fritsch + Tschaidse Architekten and Á.P. anetseder Innenarchitektur & Design, she worked as an interior designer in various offices and as a freelancer. She joined LBGO in 2018 and leads projects with a focus on interior architecture and building within existing structures. Simone has been an associate in the Munich office since 2023.

Sondre Lerstøl Hebnes
Sondre studied architectural engineering from 2013 to 2014 at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) in Copenhagen, Denmark, and from 2014 to 2020 at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, Norway, where he received his master’s degree in architecture. His area of specialization was “transformative architecture – recognizing the value and history of existing buildings and giving them new life in a modern context”. He completed his BAS (Hons) degree in architecture at the University of Cape Town, South Africa in 2018. In 2019, he interned at Over Byen Architects in Copenhagen. Sondre has been a project architect at LBGO since 2021.

Tanja Bauer
Tanja studied architecture at the University of Applied Sciences Munich from 2015 to 2021 and graduated with a master’s degree. After completing internships at Kehrbaum Architekten in Munich and Behnisch Architekten in Boston, Tanja joined LBGO in 2018, first as a student trainee and since 2021 as a project architect. Tanja works on various competitions and projects, most notably the Edeka München Zentrale.

Veronica Aguirre Velarde
Veronica completed a bachelor’s degree in architecture at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP) from 2006 to 2012. She then studied Integrated Urbanism and Sustainable Design at the University of Stuttgart, graduating with a master’s degree in 2019. This is also her professional focus. Veronica gained experience as an architect at Seinfeld Arquitectos in Lima (Peru) from 2013 to 2015 and at Benavides & Watmough Arquitectos from 2015 to 2017, also in Lima. In 2020, she worked as a research assistant in descriptive geometry at the faculty of architecture and urban planning at PUCP. This was followed in 2020/2021 by an internship at Transsolar Energietechnik GmbH. Veronica joined LBGO as a project architect in 2021.

Wolfram Meiner
Wolfram studied at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), where he received his bachelor of arts in 2018. He completed an Erasmus exchange at the École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris-La Villette (ENSAPLV) in 2016/17. He completed his master’s degree with a thesis entitled “Emphatic Redesign in Tokyo” at TUM in April 2022, focusing on urbanism and urban design. Wolfram and four fellow students won first prize in the 2021 “EUROPAN 16 – Living Cities” competition for a proposal in Västerås, Sweden. After completing internships at Spar*k Architekten Berlin (2013) and Simonneau-Sachse Architectes (Paris, 2013), Wolfram joined LBGO in 2019, initially as a student trainee and currently as an architect. He is also actively involved in competitions.

Wyly Brown
After obtaining degrees in Arctic Studies from the University of Lapland (Finland) and Anthropology from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst (US), Wyly studied at Harvard University from 2001 to 2006, graduating with a Master of Architecture. As a fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, he then worked on various research projects at Prof. Sobek’s Institute for Lightweight Structures and Conceptual Design at the University of Stuttgart. From 2008 to 2012, he worked at Behnisch Architekten in Stuttgart and Munich. In 2014, he founded Leupold Brown Goldbach Architekten in Munich together with Andreas Leupold and Christian Goldbach. The firm then opened its Boston office in 2018. Wyly was a guest lecturer at the faculty of architectural informatics at the Technical University of Munich from 2011 to 2014, where he taught parametric design. In 2018, Wyly was an adjunct professor at Massachusetts College of Art & Design. Since 2019, he has been Professor of Building Technology at Washington University in St. Louis, USA, where he currently conducts intensive research into the use of bamboo as a sustainable building material.

Yang Yang Zhang
Yang Yang completed her bachelor’s degree in architecture between 2010 and 2015 at the China Central Academy of Fine Art in Beijing, China. She completed her master’s degree in architecture in 2015-2017 at Politecnico di Torino (Italy). Having specialized in architectural design, Yang Yang joined LBGO as a project architect in 2018. Yang Yang is a 3D specialist and a BIM manager at LBGO.

Z. Pepsi
Receptionist and feel-good manager.